Several years ago, I met a former professional football player named Bruce. He was the kindest, most selfless human being one could ever wish to know. He became a massive part of our family, and as time passed, we became very familiar with his story. His attitude of gratitude was not just something he was taught as a child or learned through life experience. 

Bruce was a heart recipient.  

He received a gift of life that added over 12 years to his lifespan because someone looked past their personal tragedy and donated the heart of their loved one who had passed away. 

April is National Donate Life Month. It serves as a gentle reminder that though life is sometimes short, our personal impact can continue through the lives of others. More than 100,000 people (about the seating capacity of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum) are waiting for organ transplants. Still, we can also celebrate the more than one million recipients who are alive today because of families who generously donated their loved one's organs. 

Here are some other days connected with organ donation.  

April 3rd was Living Donor Day. 
April 6th-12th is Blue and Green Spirit Week, with the 12th being Blue and Green Day. 
April 21st-27th is National Pediatric Transplant Week. 

Today, more than 170 million people are registered to be organ donors. If you have thought about donating life, you can get more information on how to support National Donate Life Month at